Video: Rolling the Toes Into Downward Facing Dog

Rolling the toes when you transition into Downward Facing Dog from Upward Facing Dog is a really helpful transition in sun salutations and vinyasa-style yoga classes. It takes a good bit of core strength as well as foot flexibility to perform the movement. And it definitely takes practice.

Why is it helpful to roll back?

Firstly, it’s quicker than flipping the feet. Secondly, and more importantly (in my humble opinion) it’s a symmetrical practice whereas over a life time of practice you will develop an inbalance from flipping the feet. Because you will always do the same foot first. It’s so hard not to.

How do you do it?

➡️ From Upward Facing Dog, Cobra or Tabletop, feel the tops of the feet on the mat and try to drag them forward

➡️ Push up from the hips

➡️ Flip the toes up

➡️ Walk the feet back in to your preferred position for Downward Facing Dog

All of this happens very quickly on a less than a single breath.

Don’t overthink it. Practice with kindness and mix and match with flipping the feet as you fatigue in practice.

Who should not do this?

Don’t do this if you have any issues with the bones in your toes, bunions, previous breaks, fractures or surgery on your toes or feet.

Enjoy your practice and get in touch if you have any questions.


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