What’s the difference? Fallen Triangle vs Wild Thing vs Flip Dog
These three poses have lots in common on the face of it, and are often mistaken for each other or confused.
Fundamentally, they are all variations of Side Plank (Vasisthasana).
Flip Dog and Wild Thing especially are often thought to be the same pose, but they are not. I first, and only ever, encountered Flip Dog in the Baptiste Journey into Power sequence, where it comes at the end of the Awakening (Sun Salutation) section.
All three poses are challenging, one-arm balances with varying degrees of backbend and where one foot usually ends up off the mat. Most teachers will sequence these poses directly from either Plank, Side Plank or Downward Facing Dog.
There are some key differences between the three poses and in this post we are going to learn what these differences are. In essence, the differences lie in the positions of the feet and the knees.
Fallen Triangle
Fallen Triangle (Patita Trikonasana) is often also called Fallen Star or Rockstar pose.
In this pose, the key differentiator is that both legs are straight. The supporting foot is flat to the floor.
There is also more opening to the side than upwards making if less of a backbend than the other two poses.
Wild Thing
Wild Thing (Camarkatasana) is a deeper backbend than Fallen Triangle.
You will be lifting the front body upwards rather than to the side.
One leg (the original supporting leg) is straight and the other leg that went over is bent.
Flip Dog
Flip Dog is also an upward facing backbend.
In this pose, both feet are firmly on the floor and both knees are bent.
Not to be confused with Wheel pose! The hands, arms and shoulders are not the same.