Yoga Teacher

About Anne

Anne is originally from Edinburgh and has been practicing yoga for over 25 years. She lives in Biggar, on the edge of the Scottish Southern Uplands.

Previously, Anne worked in information, communication and administration roles within local councils, Arts Council England and Scottish universities.

Anne teaches in-person and Zoom group classes as well as private sessions. Anne particularly enjoys helping students explore and find a version of practice that suits their mind and body, with the motto “No Pain, No Shame”.

Yoga plays a big part in Anne’s daily life and she explores  each new day with her regular personal practice.

Anne was initially attracted to yoga for its physical benefits, then on and off the mat, Anne experienced increasing levels of clarity and insight that helped her find new ways of living and being in the world. This led to her studying counselling (which dovetails well with yoga).

A couple of years later, Anne was persuaded to take up yoga teacher training by a yoga teacher she greatly admires.


Yoga Scotland 500 Hours Teacher Training
Yoga in Healthcare Alliance Yoga on Prescription Registered Teacher
The Feldenkrais Method® for Yoga Practitioners and Teachers
Integrating Philosophy in yoga teaching and practice
Advanced Yogic Living and Teaching Course
Integrating Fluidity in our Practice: The pathway to wholeness
Autogenic Training
Chair Yoga
Yoga Nidra and Circle Holding – Yoga Teachers Network
Fundamentals of Yoga Outreach – Edinburgh Community Yoga